TYRANNY IS about control. Even in democracies the natural tendency of government, unless stopped, is to expand its powers and extend its tentacles into every facet of its citizens’ lives–always in the name of helping them. Control means curtailing people’s opportunities to make choices and restricting the scope of their freedom of action. Left to their own devices bureaucracies would bar you from doing anything without first receiving a permission slip from them. Our Founders understood that it’s the steady accumulation of petty, tyrannical restrictions that leads to the ultimate loss of freedom.
Smokers who switch from traditional tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes may ingest the same level of nicotine, but their exposure to harmful chemicals is significantly reduced - so much so that it is like the person quit smoking. Those are the results of new research from Roswell Park Cancer Institute - Vaping shows promising for quitting smoking...very promising!
Date: August 19, 2016
Source: University of Queen Mary London
The majority of smokers who successfully switch to vaping say they have fewer respiratory infections, according to a study led by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).
The on-line survey of 941 respondents assessed subjective changes in respiratory symptoms in smokers who switched to vaping for at least two months. The results, published in the Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, show that 66 per cent of respondents reported an improvement in respiratory symptoms, 29 per cent reported no change and 5 per cent reported worsening.
Here's a mix of the best Dessert Flavored e-Juice for your electronic cigarette.
Is there anything better? The glorious taste of smooth chocolate. The decadence of luscious custard, frothy cream, glazed donuts, or fruity cereal. Indulge in as many flavors as you like, anytime, day or night. From dessert drink flavors to your favorite cake or candy desserts. Try them all without the calories. These are great for after dinner, or to satisfy those cravings without the guilt. These desserts are calorie free, so what are you waiting for?
Box Mods are box-shaped modified vaporizers. Most of these box vape mods have built-in batteries. Some box mod kits include everything you need to start vaping while others require separate batteries or atomizer attachments to function. There are so many variables to consider when you’re in the market for a new Box Mod. Whatever your style is, we have the right vape device for you! Here you'll find our huge selection of E-Cig Box Mods.
So your teenager is vaping e-cigarettes – should you worry?
When it comes to the argument of smoking vs. vaping, the discussion usually revolves around which one is the lesser of two evils. However, is it enough to think vaping is "not as bad? as something else? Occasionally yes. The jury is still out as to whether or not vaping is safe or healthy, however most people agree that it is a much safer alternative to traditional cigarettes or cigars.
Vaping, unlike smoking, involves the inhalation of vaporized e-cigarette liquid consisting of water, nicotine, a base of propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin and occasionally, flavoring. The lack of smoke inhalation is what leads many e-cigarette users to believe vaping is a safer alternative to smoking.
E-cigarettes and other vaping products are on track to out-sell cigarettes by the end of 2023. And more and more young people are trying e-cigarettes. So what do you need to know about them? Are they less harmful than using cigarettes or other burned tobacco products?